What Members Are Saying...

Being in the W.O.M.B. Collaborative has meant to me... so many things.

A sisterhood, for sure, and also a place to be that I'm received and appreciated for my quirkiness and my child-like behavior...and all of the other things that I have to offer—emotional support, etc.

I would say one of the biggest, most important things of being in the W.O.M.B. Collaborative, for me, is that constant coming back around every week, the constant:

  • "Yes, you're on the right path..."
  • "Yes, you're doing it..."
  • "Yes, keep going..."
  • "Yes, we've got your back..."
  • "Yes, you're supported..."

And the accountability, and all the things that...

You try to do this on your own, and you look yourself in the mirror and you give yourself that talk, and it's just not as effective to boost your productivity and to get you moving as it is to have a group of women looking at you going:

  • "We see you shining..."
  • "We see your beautifulness..."
  • "We see all that you have to offer..."
  • "Let's go!"

That has meant more to me than just about any other place that I've been...any other group that I've been a part of.

I appreciate that so much.

~Jessica Lyn

Christene has helped me get focused and clear about:

  • What steps I need to take in my business...
  • The action steps I need to get my group going...
  • How much to charge...
  • A little mindset/attitude adjustment...

Every time we have one of our calls, I am amazed at how much we accomplish.

Her feedback has been invaluable. Christene really knows her stuff.

~Lynne Imhof

I was given Christene's name at a time in my life when I was struggling to keep my head above water. I left my first visit with her—a consultation only—feeling better than I had in a long time.


She gave me hope.

Each time I met with her, after that, something more was stripped away, uncovering the source of most of my mental and, thereby, health issues. I am now connecting with other people and living a life of renewed energy, thankful each day for that first step I took to Christene's love, guidance, and healing. Working with her has been life changing for me. My outlook on life is a lot more positive.

~Phyllis Faust

Spiritual Guide

I needed support to figure out my lead magnet.

Christene asked really great questions and stayed with me to answer the questions. Exploring those questions with her really brought forth clarity.

Christene assisted me to find the answers from within, instead of seeking to find the answer from some idea I had of what I thought sounded good, or what I was guessing was right.

Now my lead magnet feels much more aligned and connected to myself and the work I actually do with my clients.

I feel much better about the ideas I have for my opt-in, and I just heard something from a client that totally aligns...

A sign from the universe, "Yep on track!"

~Claudia Braun

Mindset Coach for Corporate Women

I was suffering with depression, PTSD, and stuck grief, trying to figure out how to deal with complex trauma holding me back in life.

Feeling out of step with everything and everyone.

Struggling with starting a business and finding a life that I’m joyful in.

Not having a clear path, with focus and clarity, nor the ability to achieve my goals.

Working towards a sense of self and self-worth and being able to believe in myself and my ability to succeed.

Feeling blind to a larger world of possibilities, knowing it’s there... *something* but unable to connect to or find it. My outlook, goals, plans, and life path all changed after working with Christene.

Working with her has opened my eyes to a massive world of possibilities I didn’t know existed before.

The amount of open and honest communication, along with the lack of judgment about any and all feelings no matter how bad they feel to me, has enabled me to make tiny shifts within me that start earthquakes and can move mountains. I understand more about my connection to this world and my abilities to make a difference.

I will be able to take my experiences and help improve other’s lives because of the tools and thought pattern changes she has affected.

She helped me cut down into the layers of deeper meaning behind my communications and gain a better understanding of myself.

I have been able to start to work through major life changes, and loss—that continue to happen—with a better perspective and appreciation for the trials and wisdom it affords.

I’ve been able to come to terms with problems faster than I ever have in my life, being able to forgive myself for mistakes and working through grief instead of spiraling in it.

She has helped me recognize my mental blocks and has helped me through, around, or over them.

I have a deeper understanding of myself and have many more tools and knowledge at my fingertips to continue my self-improvement.

I have a clearer focus on life, and I feel more hopeful and grounded than I have in a long time.


Medical Professional

Christene not only helped me achieve an overall state of health and well-being, but helped me achieve a greater connection with and understanding of myself.

~Monica Bullard

Being in the W.O.M.B. Collaborative has given me a sisterhood that I knew (at some level) I needed.

I needed connection.

I needed people who had my back.

It's given me an opportunity to truly feel loved—just truly feel loved by other women who are moving in directions that don't seem like it would be in line with the direction I'm moving, and YET... we're moving together.

And all of these different pieces, all of the things that we have to offer—we're offering to each other.

It's an incredible space of collaboration and connection that I look forward to every week.

And when I leave, I feel enriched and uplifted... and loved.

~Joni Miller

I wanted something different and had some sense of what that looked like, but it was a very murky perspective.

I felt stuck between where I was vs. where I wanted to go.

But the "where I wanted to go" was a very murky perspective.

Taking the next step seemed like I was going to be off a cliff or into a swamp.

I felt like I had run out of resources, tools, and techniques to shift myself any further.

I didn't know which direction to move forward into, and I didn't know how to move.

I had done a lot of inner work, but I got to a point where I had tapped out all of my old resources, and that felt very lost.

With over 25 years of experience in Personal Development, this was a very debilitating place to be.

Open up space in my heart and mind and lead me to completely new perspectives help me unravel from the knots of tension, indecision, and angst about what steps to action.

Each interaction we have together leaves me with greater clarity about where I'm heading and how I'm getting there.

Christene brought fresh perspectives and resources that—in my 25 years of experience in personal development—I had never experienced before, not from anybody.

Her approach to coaching, combined with the energy work, has been the most powerful process of inner work I’ve ever had.

My vision of the future is MUCH clearer.

My vision is MUCH clearer, and I am confident again about what I want (and don't want) for myself and my business.

I feel far better equipped to step into my future.

And because of the energy work, something's been activated to help me move into that direction.

~Maria Stein

I had come to a crossroad in my life, retiring from the workforce but still wanting to contribute and have purpose in my life.

Life was moving on, and I was standing still. I felt like I wanted to expand, but how and what?

I received what I needed in the form of new questions and viewpoints from Christene’s coaching. It wasn't comfortable or easy at times, but Christene’s insights, kindness, and true caring have made our time exploring a very safe experience.

I had to really look at some uncomfortable truths, but that brought me to—sometimes, at first—small shifts in how to change my point of view, which lead to bigger breakthroughs.

One of the most significant is that I look inward for my answers instead of what someone wants from me.

The inner critic that was triggered by outer conflict is quiet most of the time, and I can identify when I am taking on outer expectations.

I am more consistent in listening to myself.

I have a much more peaceful inner landscape and enjoy my life more because I have gained new tools toward my own inner guide.

~Pia Andersen

Massage Therapist, Retired

I was working on a big project and experiencing challenges and frustration with the pace of accomplishing things.

Christene honed in on the particular areas in my energy body needing attention.

As soon as she finished the work, I felt "lighter" in both my physicality as well as energetically. I immediately felt something had shifted.

Afterwards, I felt more aligned with myself and able to better focus on the next steps of my project instead of spinning out and feeling frustrated with too much to do.

I let go of a lot of worry I was having about the outcomes and allowed some breathing space for what needed to happen next.

Christene has been very supportive of my process in what I am doing project-wise.

She combines her knowledge of energy work with her extensive business experience - a powerful combination!

~Karen Dyrenforth

Financial Confidence Coach for Women Entrepreneurs

It was amazing how much lifting my anger and self-judgement freed up space to feel hope.

Our work together literally energized me, lifted me up, made me feel lighter, and brought all of this clarity in!!

It was life changing.


I always have a great experience with Christene. She is wonderful.

She is so thoughtful and caring, and it's just like she cradles you..it's wonderful.

~Julia Lewis

I was struggling to find the right words to describe my yoga program.

After an hour with Christene, she had managed to highlight all the magic words, find intelligent and powerful ways that spoke of the transformation I offer, with integrity and truth.

Using words of my clients, using words of my own, but being able to re-work them in such a way that is clear and succint and just brings sparkle and life to what I want to say.

The landing page and messaging for my yoga program are so much better now.

I was left feeling so wowed by my own program I felt really inspired to then go promote to other people!

~Kathy White

Yoga Instructor & Mindfulness Teacher