Christene Sismondo, Founder of the Spirtual Women's Academy

Hi - I'm Christene!

I guide healers, holistic practitioners, spiritual (“woo-woo”) women entrepreneurs gain clarity, find their direction, and develop a sustainable business model around their calling so that they can do the meaningful work they are meant to do in the world.

I started this work because I was an energy healing practitioner and ambitious, aspiring entrepreneur who lost her drive, desire, and purpose in life—and who nearly gave up on her calling…

I had just taken the big leap from corporate to entrepreneurship. (I left my career to pursue my side-job and passion: energy healing. Exciting! And terrifying…) I was struggling to get my business off the ground, even though I had a degree in business and had worked in administration, marketing, and operations for the last 17 years. It took six months before I felt like anything I had done was working, and just when I felt like I was getting somewhere…my whole world fell apart:

Suddenly, I couldn’t see clients because of COVID-19. My fiancé got laid off…and then recruited for a different job—five hours away. I had to sell my house (where I had constructed my energy healing studio) and move away from my entire network of support and every effort I had put toward pursuing my purpose. And, to make matters worse… I got diagnosed with cervical pre-cancer…and then my relationship fell apart.

It was like every area of my life burned to the ground, and I was left with nothing but ash and debris. My whole idea about who I was, where I was going, what my life was going to look like, and what the purpose of my life was…was just shattered. I found myself devoid of all feeling. The word “numb” didn’t even describe the emptiness and vacancy I felt within me. I had no desire to work—or do anything.

Sound at all familiar?

If you have found yourself at a place where you’ve lost your drive, your motivation, or your desire…I want you to know the difficult place you’ve found yourself in, is not uncommon for people like you—who are meant for more. If you’re going through this, you probably have a calling to positively impact the world.

If that spark inside you just isn’t alive anymore, or if life has led you to or through a pit of despair, I’m living proof that there’s light—and even your calling—on the other side:

Having gone through my own deep, personal transformation—and done the inner work

  • gained the vital experiences necessary to pursue my passion and fulfill my calling.
  • I now have total confidence and certainty that I’m on the right path.
  • I am actively doing the meaningful work I was put here to do.
  • I wake up every day with internal motivation and desire to give and serve and contribute.
  • I feel like my existence has purpose and value.
  • And I am armed with an arsenal of tools to defend against being taken out by life’s unexpected circumstances in the future.

All of this is possible for you too…

Christene Sismondo